Safety and Well being
Health benefits of swimming

Swimming is the fourth most popular activity in the United States. But why, exactly? There are a host of benefits you may gain from swimming laps regularly. Read on to learn about the benefits of swimming and how to incorporate swimming into your routine.
Regular pool attendance could make you smarter, improve your mental health and enhance your lung capacity, and that’s not all. According to the NHS, adding a weekly swim workout to your training plan can reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and strokes.
1- It improves your mental health
Swimming is one of the few sports that demand you leave the outside world, outside. You physically can’t look at Instagram in the pool, so one of the biggest benefits of swimming is that it’s great for giving the mind time to power down from constant digital stimulation.
2- It increases your fitness and muscle mass
Swimming for fitness is easy to do, you simply speed up. Plus, another benefit of swimming is that it can help build muscle too. Morrissey explains: ‘It offers the potential to tone up pretty much everywhere. Someone who starts working hard in the pool could expect to see more definition in their arms, upper body and thighs in particular.’
3- It’s lower impact than other forms of cardio
Yes, running or cycling will usually burn more calories than swimming,’ she continues. ‘But swimming keeps your heart rate up without stressing your body.’ This type of exercise is known as steady-state training and helps to build stamina
4- Swimming could help you drift off more quickly
Aerobic exercise (e.g. any cardio activity) has been linked to better sleep quality and improved sleep duration, making for another benefit of swimming. Music to our sleepy ears. According to one study, getting sweaty is the passport to a good night’s kip – something we absolutely love to hear.
5- It’s generally a pregnancy-safe exercise
That said, generally speaking, one of the major benefits of swimming is that it’s a pregnancy-safe form of exercise. The water supports you and bump and can help to reduce swelling in the ankles and feet.
And that’s not all. Research has found that pregnant women who swim during their early to mid-pregnancy can have a lower risk of preterm labour and congenital defects.
6- It can reduce stress
When you exercise, your body naturally reduces stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline whilst simultaneously creating feel-good endorphins – nature’s mood lifters. If you’re stuck between work and a stressed place, carve out some time to move, in the pool or otherwise.
You can also expect full-body toning and improved stamina, which translates nicely into improved overall fitness levels and capabilities. Cross-training (exercising in different ways) is a fantastic way to improve your overall fitness.