Safety and Well being
How to Survive an Active Shooter

Active shooter issues have been plaguing countries all around the world in the last few months. In America alone, there have been over 250 mass shootings with countless lives lost. This calls for an increase in the awareness of active shooter survival tips because you never know when you might need them.
In this blog, we will be telling you all you need to know about the proven RHF method of surviving active shooter situations regardless of your geographic location. This is the most reliable way to survive an active shooter situation.
How to Survive an Active Shooter situation
An active shooter is anyone with a gun who is out to get your head (not literally). Active shooters are actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in populated and confined areas. Even getting coffee from the nearest cafe isn’t so safe anymore there just might be someone who was bullied in school waiting to take revenge on innocent customers.
What makes an active shooter situation so bad? There’s no exact pattern to them, they are highly unpredictable and can become worse in the blink of an eye. It can take law enforcement about 10 to 15 minutes to arrive on the scene so before they come what should you do? How do you mentally and physically prepare for such an event?
Before you proceed, watch our detailed video on how to survive an active shooter
If you hear gunshots fired around you, whether you’re in school, on-campus, or a grocery store
- RUN!
Once you hear shots fired, run! Running is one of the best ways to protect your life. Quickly scan the area and run to the nearest location with cover. If the active shooter is directly in your building, find a way to run outside the building and if you can’t do that, take cover.
After you find a secure place to hide, lie on your belly and call your local emergency number- don’t assume that someone else has, the more the calls the higher the pressure. Once that is done, wait for law enforcement to arrive.
We know it’s easier said than done, but knowing these things will make all the difference in your survival. It might be sad to feel like there’s nothing you can do in a situation like this but there really is nothing you can do except to keep yourself safe and wait for professionals to do their thing.
Hiding means finding a secure place with covers like a brick wall, trees, or cars to wait until law enforcement arrives. This will protect you from getting injured by any strays. This part of the drill is highly important for your safety and that of the people around you.
Taking action to weaken or incapacitate the shooter should only be used as a last resort. Only use this option if your life is in immediate danger and risk. When we say fight, we don’t mean a literal wrestling match. Remember that the shooter is armed and dangerous and in a frenzy. So, be careful how you fight.
How to Fight?
- Be physically aggressive towards the shooter
- Throw things at the shooter! Look around you for heavy things like a brick, or a pan. You can also use chairs, fire extinguishers, or your bag as long as it is heavy and can cause an impact.
Keeping the RHF method at the front of your mind always will help you stay safe if you’re caught unawares in an active shooter situation. The most important thing is that you survive the situation, well enough to tell the story. These tips will keep you on your feet and out of harm’s way until law enforcement arrives.