Education and Communication
How to Excel at School

Every level of schooling is all about endurance and management – no longer can you coast by. With severe competition for high-demand courses and tuition fees in colleges rising, and consequently scholarships becoming more of a necessity, it’s time to face the facts: you’ll need to do well in high school to get the best out of life.
Research has confirmed that 90 % of the students carry their attitude in the school throughout life. It simply goes to reveal that we often can see the shadow of our future in our school days itself
1- Build Confidence:
Obviously, nothing in this world is as charming as a confident person. And confidence isn’t a tent that can be built overnight, in fact, it is quite a castle. But how exactly will confidence help in school though? Isn’t it a grown-up thing? This is not entirely true. Your remarks are determined by the confidence you exhibit. So whether it be taking part in the school play or giving a speech in front of the assembly or be it taking part in an extracurricular activity or even it could be a crucial and important factor while giving a simple class test.
2- Nurture Your Hobbies:
Hobbies make a man’ – an old proverb. I always advise that one has 3 hobbies – One To Keep You Earning, One That Helps Your Mind Nurture Your Soul, and the other to Keeps You Fit. It is difficult to have such multiple hobbies during childhood. So what can students do? I would ask them to do various activities like- collecting stamps, collecting coins, watching stars in the sky, playing games like football, hockey, kabaddi, and much more
3- Pick Your Friends Carefully:
You are known by the company you keep. Tomorrow and find out the one thing in the students who excel; you will arrive at the conclusion that they all have their group or they hang out together. If your circle of friends are supportive, then they will encourage you to do the right things and discourage the wrong habits. A bad circle is as good as being trapped in a cage. You will eventually in your future life understand and appreciate your choice to evolve with the right choice of friends.
4- Keep Track Of your Time:
Many students do try to be great and all-rounder, but only a few of them succeed in the end. The secret is that those who succeed appreciate the role of time management. There is no point in completing a single-page essay over three days when you could have done it within a span of three hours. The more you stretch the time, the more you create problems.
5- Avoid Procrastination:
Procrastinators are a thief of their time, the death eater of their health, and the bad scriptwriters of their life story. We should all know the proverb –“Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied
Instead of procrastinating and rescheduling the things you would have done instantly, Just go ahead and execute task as the come to avoid piling them up.
Don’t forget to enjoy yourself at school, because in the adventure of learning and excelling, students fail to realize that enjoying the journey is also important. As this will create a positive aura in life and you will be ready for your next challenges. Hope this article carries the vital student tips for you to excel in school.