Education and Communication
How to stop Poverty on Earth

Even in the twenty-first century, three billion people, or nearly half of the world’s population, survive on a startling $2.50 per day, and 80% of people live on less than $10 per day. It’s crucial to concentrate on eradicating poverty, both in terms of the small changes that each person can make and the larger ones that must be made.
The time has come to use social media as a voice for social good because it has become an essential component of our daily lives. Sharing the links on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites will help people learn more about global poverty and raise awareness of the problem generally.
There are some straightforward ways that each of us can contribute, such as sponsoring a needy family and encouraging others to do the same or paying for the education of a poor child. Additionally, it can be beneficial to raise money and give it to a nonprofit.
Donations will be of great assistance. They don’t always have to come in monetary form. For instance, you could buy a week’s worth of groceries for a hungry family or give school supplies to a young person in need. Giving away your used clothing, furniture, and toiletries can also help the less fortunate.
The ratio of boys and girls in primary, secondary, and tertiary education should be equalized because women make up the majority of the world’s illiterate population—more than two thirds. Girls who attend school are less likely to get married before turning 18, resulting in a 64 percent reduction in child marriage rates worldwide. Similar to this, literate women are less likely to spread diseases like HIV/AIDS because they have a better understanding of how diseases are transmitted, which in the long run speeds up the reduction of poverty.
The International Labour Organization estimates that there are 197 million unemployed people in the world. In a country with more employment opportunities, there are more ways to combat poverty. Non-literate people can be taught a few vocational skills to increase their employability in order to increase employment.
Health and education are undoubtedly impacted by access to clean water and sanitary facilities. At the moment, 800 million people lack access to clean water, and 2.5 billion lack adequate sanitation. Girls are prevented from attending school due to filthy restrooms, which prevents them from receiving an education. More than one million children die each year from diseases like diarrhea and cholera, which spread when there is a lack of clean water.
Every family member’s individual earnings can be increased with education. According to UNESCO, having a basic understanding of reading could help 171 million people worldwide escape extreme poverty and, as a result, cut the global rate of poverty by 12 percent. Additionally, according to UNESCO, there are currently about a billion adult illiterates worldwide.
There are a few ways to end poverty listed above, but it’s critical to first comprehend the underlying issues that lead to poverty. There will never be a single solution that works for everyone because poverty has different causes in different countries. But these seven steps can significantly reduce poverty everywhere.