Safety and Well being
How to Survive a Lion Attack

More and more people are going on walking safaris because they are more exciting than ever. There is a chance of danger, but also a great deal of excitement, from the experience. Although most lions will flee if they see a human, there is always the chance that one will attack. Making preparations ahead of time could end up saving your life.
In case you’re wondering how to survive an attack, this article lists six options.
What Are the Top 6 Ways to Stay Alive During a Lion Attack?
Don’t freak out
Feelings of extreme terror will overwhelm you if it approaches you. Try not to freak out too much. Keeping calm and thinking clearly could save your life. Knowing what to expect can help you keep your cool.
For instance, it will likely roar as they get closer. This may cause the ground to tremble, but know that this is par for the course during a lion attack.
Don’t race around
Stay where you are. You need to take charge and show it that you can be dangerous. Turn so that you are parallel to the lion as you clap your hands, yell, and swing your arms. You’ll look bigger and scarier to the lion.
Lions’ habits change depending on where they are. those in high-traffic areas are less likely to be aggressive toward humans because they are used to seeing cars. However, many of hem have had ancient human contact will play at fighting. If you act dangerous, they will run away from you.
Calm down
Turning your back on a lion is a bad idea. Keep moving away from the lion while swinging your arms. If you try to outrun the lion, it may sense your panic and give chase. Keep your menacing stance as you back away from the lion. It’s not a good idea to hide in thick brush or a forest. Consider relocating to a less densely populated area instead.
Do not get on the ground if the lion makes an attack gesture.
It could potentially attack if the aforementioned safety measures fail. If this happens, you must stay on your feet. Your face and neck will be the lion’s primary points of attack. This means the huge cat will make a spectacular leap for your viewing pleasure. Even though it may be scary, being able to see the lion up close will be helpful. If it attacks while you’re squatting, you won’t have a lot of room to maneuver.
When confronted by a lion, strike back.
You need to fight back when the lion attacks. You should use your fists or feet to strike the lion if it pounces on you. Keep attacking the head and eyes as you fight off the predator. The lion is undoubtedly stronger than you are, but a blow to the head or eyes can have a devastating effect and make the animal reconsider attacking.
Find immediate assistance
If you manage to challenge one and come out on top, you should go to the hospital right away. This is so that your wounds and any other areas the lion may have scratched can be treated.
Attacks from this wild animal are potentially fatal. However, there is still a chance of making it. Be sure to use the above advice if you ever find yourself in a lion’s den.