Safety and Well being
How To Survive Cancer

Cancer treatment is often compared to a “battle” in which the patient must “fight” for survival. What, then, can a person who has been diagnosed with cancer do to increase their chances of survival, given that the “battle” is never won on even terms?
In 2021, the most recent year for which global data is available, cancer claimed the lives of over ten million people around the world. We’ll examine six strategies for beating cancer to help lower cancer mortality rates.
How Do You Beat Cancer in 5 Easy Steps?
Talk to an Oncologist
This idea, which may seem obvious to some, deserves exploration. The best way to make sure you’re getting the right treatment for your cancer is to talk to an oncologist, a doctor who specializes in identifying and eliminating the disease.
Oncologists, however, come in many different forms. Your treatment is typically monitored and orchestrated by a medical oncologist. If you are undergoing radiation therapy, you may wish to meet with a radiation oncologist for advice. An oncologist who specializes in surgery is called a surgical oncologist. If you suspect you have cancer of the uterus or ovaries, a visit to a gynecological oncologist may be in order.
Research about it.
Understanding your cancer and its treatment options can help you feel more in control of your life and your care. Don’t be shy about asking your healthcare providers a lot of questions when you see them.
It’s incredible how many resources are out there to help people who have cancer. The services available to you range from instructional materials and emotional support to financial aid, insurance advice, help with your appearance, and dietary recommendations. When looking for information on cancer, one of the best places to go online is the National Cancer Institute.
Get support
When dealing with cancer, the support of loved ones and others in the same boat is invaluable.
Multiple studies have found that people are more likely to recover from illness and live longer if they have strong social ties to others. A large study on cancer patients found that those who reported high levels of social support had a 25% lower risk of dying from their disease.
Having support from loved ones is essential, but talking to others who are going through the same thing can help, too.
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Take care of yourself
Eating well and staying active can lessen your chance of getting cancer and increase your likelihood of surviving it without it coming back.
You don’t have to train for a marathon to enjoy the health benefits of exercise. Light, pleasurable physical activity, like gardening twice a week, has significant benefits.
Evidently, a healthy diet lowers the risk.
Dedicate yourself to the treatment
A treatment plan that you and your doctor both feel comfortable with should be followed religiously. This means keeping to the schedule your treatment team has established and carrying out the steps they suggest.
If you’re feeling anxious or concerned, it’s important to talk to your doctor about it. Although many adverse effects are treatable, it is important to communicate any concerns with your healthcare provider.
Anxiety and doubt are common responses to a cancer diagnosis. In the fight against this disease, finding an oncologist in whom one has faith is a great first step. Ask questions and educate yourself using reputable resources.