Pets and Animals
Tips on How to Survive a Shark Attack

Do you know that a Shark attack can result in fatal injuries? Although Sharks rarely attack humans, but going into their territory can increase the probability of being harmed.
That said, you will need a clear plan to escape a Shark attack if you go for a beach vacation. Therefore, this article will highlight 5 key tips you can use to survive an attack.
Before you proceed, watch our detailed video on how to survive such situation.
5 Tips for Surviving a Shark Attack?
Avoid panic when around their territory.
Are you in a territory where there are Sharks around? The first thought that comes to your mind will escape immediately away from it, right? However, try as much as possible to keep that urge far from your mind. This is not the time to start running around within the water.
An attempt to escape the predator immediately increases the chances of being attacked. Suppose you panic while around; it will ignite into predatory mode. The fact that Shark is near you does not mean it will attack you. Therefore, staying calm around it is the best way to survive any potential attack.
Keep eye contact with the Shark.
When there is a potential attack, it’s time to focus on your enemy’s moves. There are a few distinct ways that sharks might attack their prey. Sometimes they swim directly up to the target and charge, circle before attacking, or sneak up from behind for an unexpected strike. To protect yourself from the Shark, you need to be aware of its location; therefore, you should make every effort to keep an eye on the Shark, even as you are planning your exit strategy.
Cut off the angles
Ensuring the Shark does not attack you from behind is one of the most effective survival tips. You will need to get your back on something like a coral reef; this gives you a better opportunity to focus on the Shark from the front.
If a Shark attacks, fight back
Are you aware that a test bite of a Shark can result in a worse injury? Therefore, if it attacks you, you must show your confidence by fighting back. Doing something is better than just watching it destroy you.
A strong hit to the Shark’s gills, eyes, or snout (the end of its nose) would typically cause it to withdraw from the attack. If you have a hard or pointed object, you can use it to hit the Shark on the eyes and gills. You also have the option of clawing at its eyes and gills. Maintain this stance until the Shark releases its hold on you and swims away.
Find your way out of the water.
Just because the Shark has swum away from you does not mean you are safe. ItDo you know that a Shark attack can result in fatal injuries? Although Sharks rarely attack humans, but going into their territory can increase the probability of being harmed. can just retreat for a while and come back at you if you continue swimming in the water. Your safety will only be achieved if you immediately find your way out of the water. You must make haste to either return to the shore or board the boat.
A Shark attack can be very dangerous. If you are under a Shark attack, maintain eye contact, don’t panic, cut off angles, fight back if attacked, and look for better ways to get out of the water.