Safety and Well being
How Do You Survive Mosquitoes?

How to Survive Mosquitoes
Tiny but lethal! Did you know that only female mosquitos bite? Funny, right? They feed on your blood as it has protein and other compounds that enable them to produce and develop their eggs. Whether indoors or outdoors, mosquitoes are a nuisance!
Mosquitoes are responsible for about 241 million cases of malaria, with 627,000 deaths globally in 2022. Brazil, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia have the highest number of mosquito species! However, Africa, Asia and South America are worst hit by mosquito borne diseases.
How can you survive if you live in a mosquito-prone area? Here are some practical examples.
- Use Mosquito Repellant
If you like spending your evenings and early mornings in your yard or patio, remember that mosquitoes are active during these hours. You can use EPA-approved mosquito repellants since they are highly effective.
You can buy mosquito repellant from chemists, camping sites, or sporting goods stores and apply it on uncovered skin. However, you need to keep the repellant handy since it can wear off, especially if you plan on being outdoors for long.
- Sleep Under a Mosquito Net
Mosquito nets are not only used for baby bassinets, adults can use them too!You can set up a mosquito net over your bed by securing the top of the net to a surface or two, depending on the make. Mosquito nets have fine holes that are big enough to allow a cool breeze to pass but small enough to keep mosquitoes at bay.
You must support the net well so it doesn’t hang on you, and avoid touching the sides while asleep. Mosquitoes can bite you through the net if it’s tight against you. So before sleeping, check that there is no mosquito inside the net and patch any holes regularly.
- Drain Standing Water
At times you might forget to dispose of your favorite ceramic pot, even after your flowers or plants are dry. Mosquitoes love still water since they lay their eggs in standing or slow-moving water. By draining these water sources, you are reducing the number of mosquitoes laying eggs and reducing the number of mosquitoes around your house.
The water sources can include unused tired, cans, puddles, or pools. Any ceramic pots or containers that are empty and collect water should be removed. Additionally, ensure that you clean out your gutters often since they can also be a breeding space for mosquitoes.
- Chlorinate Swimming Pools
You must chlorinate water in a swimming pool or hot tub, especially if it remains standing for a long time. It can provide a good breeding place for mosquitoes since they thrive in still water. If you are not using the pool and bathtub, it is advisable to invest in a cover.
You can simply change the water weekly to dispose of mosquito larvae for the small fountains or birdbaths you don’t intend to chlorinate. While changing the water, clean out the surfaces completely before refilling. It will help remove the mosquito larvae if any.
Final Thoughts
If you live in an area with large swarms of mosquitoes, any methods mentioned for surviving the mosquitoes may be hard to reach. Therefore, it is time to engage the services of professional exterminators.
They know how best to kill the mosquitoes with these treatments while posing no hazard threats to pets and humans.